This applies to:
Available with the following QorusDocs Editions: Enterprise
You can collaborate with and create assignments for coworkers even if they don’t have a QorusDocs license.
When you do that, they are automatically added as ‘Guest’ users, allowing them limited access to QorusDocs, so that they can collaborate with you and action their assignment(s).
Please note that Guests are restricted to a maximum of 20 concurrent active assignments at a time, and they do not have access to any other QorusDocs functionality, like Search or Auto Answer.
In this article, we’ll cover:
- How to share a file with a Guest
- How to create an assignment for a Guest
- The Guest user experience as they respond to your assignments.
- The limitations around Guest user access in QorusDocs
1. How to share a file with a Guest
Before you can collaborate on a document, you’ll first need to make sure that the people you want to collaborate with can access it. If the person you’re creating an assignment for doesn’t have access to the document yet, you’ll need to share it with them.
In the Office file that you are working on, click on “Share” at the top right. In the window that pops up, insert the Guest’s name then click “Send”:
2. How to create an Assignment for a Guest
This works in a very similar way to how you would create an assignment for a licensed user using the QorusDocs Add-in for Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
If you’re working on a Pursuit, the only difference really is that you’ll have to search for them in the ‘Assigned Users’ box, as they won’t be listed as part of the Pursuit Team Members when you create the assignment.
Type the first few letters of their name, click on “Search”, and then select their name from the drop-down menu:
You can also provide further information around what’s expected in the “Instructions” box.
And that’s it! QorusDocs will send an email notification to the Guest, from which will be able to access the document and their assignment.
3. The Guest user experience as they respond to your Assignments
It’s a good idea to let Guests know in advance to expect a few email notifications, especially if it’s the very first time you are collaborating with them using QorusDocs.
Here are the email notifications they are likely to receive:
- When you share a document with a coworker that they did not have access to previously, then they will receive an email notification letting them know you’ve shared a file with them, along with a link to access the file:
- If it’s the very first time your coworker is collaborating with you or anyone on your team using QorusDocs, we’ll send them a Welcome email.
- Then, finally, the Guest will be notified via email that an Assignment has been allocated to them. The email contains links to the document where the assignment is found.
To access their assignment(s), the Guest can click on ‘Assignments’ in the left nav. This will bring up a list of all their assignments on the right.
They can click on the file name to open the document that contains assignment(s) for them:
If the Guest does not yet have the Add-ins for Office, QorusDocs will attempt to automatically install and launch the Add-in for them when they open the document. Your IT however remains in full control over this and might not allow this setting.
In that case, the Guest would have to install the QorusDocs Add-Ins for Microsoft Office themselves first.
Once that’s done, they can log in using their Microsoft 365 credentials, and click on ‘Assign’ in the top nav of the QorusDocs Add-In to see all their assignments:
Alternatively, if they already have the Add-in installed, as they open the document, QorusDocs can be configured to automatically load on the right of their screen, in their Office app, and take the user straight to the correct location in the document where the assignment is found.
Next, the Guest user can click on any one of their assignments, and QorusDocs will automatically take them to the exact place in the file where the assignment is found. They can then do one of two things:
- Mark the assignment as Done
- Reject the assignment
Mark the assignment as ‘Done’
When they’ve completed the assignment, they can click on the ‘Mark Done’ button. This moves the assignment from an ‘Assigned’ status to a ‘Done’ status:
This will notify you, or the person who created the assignment, that it has been marked as ‘Done’ and is now ready for your review.
They could also view and/or leave comments of their own by clicking on the ‘Comment’ Icon:
The Guest can type their comments in the Comments box and then click “Save”:
Reject the assignment
Alternatively, if they are not the right person for the job, the Guest can choose to reject the assignment by clicking on the ‘Reject’ button:
The person who created the assignment will be notified and that assignment will be hidden from view in the Guest’s Assignments list.
Whenever a Guest, or any other user for that matter, rejects an assignment, they’ll be prompted to provide a reason why they chose to reject it.
In the window that pops up, the Guest can type in the Comments box and click “Reject”:
4. The limitations around Guest user access in QorusDocs
Guests are only allowed to have a maximum of five concurrent active assignments at a time.
By ‘active’ we mean that it is an assignment that has not yet been ‘set to Mark Done' by the person who created the assignment. An assignment that has a status of ‘Assigned’, or ‘Rejected’, is considered to be an active assignment.
If a Guest already has five active assignments, then when you try to create a sixth assignment, you’ll get the following error message:
There are two ways to fix this: you can either change the Guest’s active assignments status or upgrade the Guest.
- Change the assignment status to ‘Done’
In the QorusDocs Add-in, change the status for one or more assignments which are still active to ‘Done’.
- Upgrade the Guest to a paid user license
QorusDocs Admin users can manage user licenses in QorusDocs Hub, by going to Settings > User Management in the left nav, and then clicking on the cog or gear icon to the right of the user’s name:
You can learn more about managing users here.
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