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Available with the following QorusDocs Editions: Enterprise
If you've created assignments, chances are you'll want to review the work completed, or perhaps not completed, so you can decide on next steps towards getting the job done.
To manage an assignment, you can open the document where the assignment was created and use the QorusDocs Add-in. Alternatively, you can go to your QorusDocs Hub in your web browser and manage assignments across multiple documents and/or Pursuits from there.
In this article, we'll explain how to:
1. View the statuses of assignments you created
2. Edit assignments so you can:
a. Re-assign an assignment to someone else
b. Modify an assignment’s due date
5. View the assignment audit trail
1. View the statuses of assignments you created
In the QorusDocs Add-in
With the document that contains the assignments open, click on the ‘more’ button in the top nav of the QorusDocs Add-In, and then click on 'Assign':
Alternatively, if you're working on a large screen, you can use your mouse to drag out the leftmost border of the QorusDocs Add-in and that will expand the space so that you can see all the top nav menu items like this, instead of having to click on the more button (three dots):
By default, QorusDocs will list all the assignments that have been assigned to you. To see the assignments you’ve created, use the ‘Owner’ filter and select your name:
In QorusDocs Hub > Assignments
First, login to your QorusDocs Hub in your web browser, and then click on ‘Assignments’ in the left nav:
By default, QorusDocs will list all the assignments that have been assigned to you. To see the assignments you’ve created, use the ‘Owner’ filter and select your name:
You can also use the other filters available to zone in on assignments based on their Status, Pursuit, or Assignee, as well as use the search bar to do a keyword search across the assignments in your current view:
Note: These filters will remain active throughout your session. They will only reset to their default settings if you navigate away from the page and then return.
In QorusDocs Hub > Pursuits
Most of the time, you’ll probably be creating assignments within the context of a Pursuit, so each team member knows what’s expected of them, in which document(s), and by when.
You can access all the assignments associated with a Pursuit within your Pursuit workspace. Simply navigate to your Pursuit:
Once you’re there, click on the ’Assignments’ tab:
The user experience in the Pursuit workspace for viewing Assignments is virtually the same as viewing them from the ‘Assignments’ menu as explained above. The only difference is that you’ll only see Assignments for the current Pursuit instead of across all your Pursuits.
2. Edit assignments
As the assignment owner, you have the ability to edit any assignment you’ve created at any time.
Click on the cog or gear icon for an assignment, and then on ‘edit’:
In the ‘edit’ assignment window, here’s where you can:
a. Re-assign an assignment to someone else
There may be times where you need to re-assign an assignment to someone else, especially if the person you assigned it to originally is not the right person and they rejected the assignment.
To do this, first remove the current assignee, then use the ‘Assigned Users’ search to locate and select the co-worker you wish to re-assign the assignment to, before clicking ‘Save’.
When you do this for assignments that do not have a status of ‘Assigned’, QorusDocs will ask you if you’d like to change the status back to ‘Assigned’ while you are re-assigning it:
Most of the time, you’ll probably want to change the status of the assignment as well, so that the assignment shows up in the new assignment recipient’s ‘To-do’ list. Otherwise it could easily be missed by the person you’ve re-assigned it to, or confusing if for example they are receiving (what is for them a ‘new’) assignment with a ‘Rejected’ status.
b. Modify an assignment’s due date
Modifying an assignment’s due date is fairly straight forward. You simply go to the ‘edit’ screen and change the date.
You should be aware though that this will reset the timing of reminder email notifications, since these are triggered 24 hours before the due date. So if team members have already received reminder notifications for assignments that are due today, and you change the date to be in two days’ time, they will get another reminder.
And of course, for obvious reasons, due dates cannot be in the past.
3. Comment on an assignment
In the QorusDocs Add-in
As we saw earlier, you can comment on any assignment that you are currently editing using the comments text box.
There is however a ‘chat’ icon on every assignment that displays the number of comments there are for that assignment, and that when clicked, will bring up the full comment thread:
Here you can enter any new comments you’d like to add:
All the people listed as assignees will receive an email notification informing them of your comment.
In the QorusDocs Hub
Click on the number that appears below the ‘chat’ icon to the far right of the assignment.
Next, you’ll see a pop-up window where you can read all the comments for that assignment, type a new comment, and click ‘save’:
4. Delete an assignment
If you’ve created an assignment by mistake and would like to delete it, you can do that from the QorusDocs Add-in as well as from your QorusDocs Hub that you access through your web browser.
The ‘delete’ option is visible after you click on the cog or gear icon for the assignment:
5. View the assignment audit trail
QorusDocs keeps a full audit trail for each assignment, which you can access in the QorusDocs Add-ins and in your QorusDocs Hub after you’ve clicked on the cog or gear icon for that assignment:
The audit trail will include the name of the user, the action they performed, and a timestamp of when the action took place:
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