This applies to:
Available with the following QorusDocs Editions: Enterprise
With the QorusDocs Cart, you can re-use slides from different presentations and assemble them into a brand new personalized presentation. You can assemble new presentations using any of the QorusDocs Add-ins, as well as from QorusDocs Hub.
In this article, we'll explain how to:
1. Add all the slides in a presentation to a cart
2. Pick and choose different slides from a presentation and add them to a cart
3. Delete unwanted slides from a cart
4. Re-arrange the slides in a cart
5. Create and personalize the assembled slide deck
1. Add all the slides in a presentation to a cart
From either the Search pane, your favorites, or your Pursuit, click on the name of the presentation you’d like to use and then 'Add' to add a whole presentation to your Cart:
Once you've added your first slides to the Cart, a new bar will appear in your add-ins.
Here, you can see how many slides/items there are in your Cart, you can manage your Cart by clicking on 'Checkout', or you can clear all the items in your Cart by clicking on 'Clear'.
Before we proceed to the checkout, let's add a few more slides from another presentation.
2. Pick and choose different slides from a presentation and add them to a cart
Instead of adding an entire presentation to the cart, you can choose which slides you'd like to add from the Preview.
To launch the preview window, click on 'Preview':
Then go over to the 'Gallery' preview, and click on the slides to select the ones you want. When you're ready, click on 'Add selected items to the cart':
3. Delete unwanted slides from a cart
To access and manage the items in a cart, click on the "Checkout" button:
Then in the 'Cart Contents' window that pops up on your screen next, select the slides you don't need by clicking on them, and then click on 'Delete selected items':
Then confirm the deletion by clicking on the "Ok" button.
4. Re-arrange the slides in a cart
While you're in the Cart Contents window (click on the 'Checkout' button in the Search pane to bring this up), you can select slides by clicking on them.
After you've made your selections, and with your finger pressed down on your left mouse button, drag your selection to a new spot, and release the left mouse button when you see the orange bar appear in the spot where you'd like to move the slides to:
5. Create and personalize the assembled slide deck
When you're ready, click on 'Create' to personalize and assemble your new slide deck:
If your slides contain Smart Fields and/or Smart Rules, you'll be presented with a Smart Fields form a bit like this:
The information you provide in this form will be used by QorusDocs to instantly personalize the new presentation you're assembling.
Smart Fields do an 'auto find and replace', getting rid of placeholder text and personalizing it with real customer information you provide in the form. Smart Rules are essentially 'show/hide' rules, which when evaluated based on the information provided in the form, will auto-adapt the inserted content for the business context. To learn about how to design Smart Fields and Rules and add them to your documents, click here. |
When you're ready, click on 'Continue', which will take you next to this screen:
Let's go through these options one at a time:
1. First off, you'll need to provide a name for the new presentation to be created
2. Next, you'll be asked whether the new presentation should be created in its original format (in this case PowerPoint), or if the new document should be created as a PDF. Here we've selected the PDF option.
3. If you check the box 'Save this document', QorusDocs will save the document to the location you specify.
If you choose not to check the box 'Save this document', QorusDocs will skip the step of saving it to your Office 365, and will go straight to giving you the option to either download the new file and open it on your desktop, or to just attach it to the email you are currently working on.
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