QPilot is a smart assistant designed to streamline tasks using artificial intelligence. It makes your work easier by automating repetitive tasks and providing intelligent prompts based on your needs. QPilot can read and summarize documents, slide decks, and Excel workbooks, assisting you with bid decisions and proposal drafting. With QPilot, you can achieve efficiency and accuracy in every step of your work.
This article is intended to help users navigate QPilot effectively and understand its expected behavior. Let's get started.
QPilot Navigation
Let's start by exploring QPilot's navigation, including where to find it and its various features:
QPilot is accessible through all QorusDocs add-ins such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook. Upon opening the add-in, look for the 'Q' icon located in the top right-hand corner of your QorusDocs interface.
In QPilot, you'll discover three main tabs (1), which we'll explore in detail shortly. Additionally, you'll find options to open a dialog pop-out (2) and initiate a new session (3):
Dialog Pop-out
Before we explore the three main tabs, let's discuss what to expect from the dialog pop-out. As you might have guessed, this feature opens a new window that enhances your QPilot experience:
Regardless of where you choose to use QPilot, the behavior remains unchanged.
The chat window is where you will interact with QPilot most frequently:
- You'll find a text box at the bottom to enter prompts for QPilot.
- "Sources" determines where QPilot searches to assist in generating a response.
- Instead of using a Source containing an arsenal of documents you can use the @ mention function.
- Click "Send" to initiate QPilot's response.
- Use "Stop" to halt response generation and prompt again without waiting for completion.
- Responses are streamed as they are generated.
If you want QPilot to reference a specific document or piece of text, you can use the @ mention feature to streamline the process. Instead of selecting content from the Sources dropdown, simply include @this document or @highlighted text directly in your prompt. This allows you to seamlessly reference the relevant content within the context of your prompt, ensuring that QPilot addresses the exact material you need:
To learn more about the QPilot @ Mention feature, click here.
Once a response is generated, you'll see buttons below it. From left to right, these buttons are:
- Copy the generated response-text
- Insert the generated response-text
The last two are used to provide feedback and help train QPilot as you interact with it.
Note: If you only need a portion of the generated response, simply highlight the text and copy and paste it as usual.
The History tab is self-explanatory; it will store up to 250 of your past sessions with QPilot. Every interaction is captured and saved here for reference. This becomes particularly useful if you are switching documents or Microsoft Office apps:
Once a session is logged in your History tab, you have the option to rename it, leave it as is, or delete it. For better organization and easier access, we recommend renaming your sessions:
Smart Skills
The Smart Skills tab is where you'll discover all the predefined, tailor-made prompts created by your QorusDocs Hub admins and designers for user utilization. For more information on Smart Skills, click here.
Upon clicking on a Smart Skill, you will have the option to "Run Skill" or "Favorite" it. By favoriting a Smart Skill, you ensure that it appears in the Chat tab of QPilot, ready for immediate use whenever you open it.
When you run a skill, you will be redirected to the Chat tab where a new session begins and a generated response starts streaming. Here, you can continue interacting with the QPilot session, depending on how your hub admin or designer has designed the Smart Skill.
Note: If you'd like to stop QPilot from running, for whatever reason, you can use the stop button that replaces the run button at the bottom right.
If you're looking for a more in-depth, practical Smart Skills example, click here.
QPilot in the Preview Window
You can now seamlessly integrate QPilot into your document preview experience for various file types including Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets, HTML files, Text files, PDF files, and SharePoint list items. This integration allows you to utilize QPilot directly within document previews, enabling you to insert QPilot responses directly into your documents for enhanced productivity. Whether you're previewing documents in the Web application or a Microsoft App add-in, simply click on the Preview option (1) to reveal the Q icon (2) and access QPilot.
Benefits include:
- Accessing QPilot functionality directly within document previews.
- Inserting QPilot responses directly from document previews.
- Availability of QPilot across various file types in document previews: Word documents, HTML files, Text files, PDF files, and SharePoint list items.
QorusDocs Hub Web:
QorusDocs Add-in:
If you'd like more real estate to work with while using QPilot in the preview, you can extend QPilot side pannel:
AI-Powered Templates
If AI-Powered Templates are enabled, the following will happen when you create a document: a drop-down menu will appear, allowing you to select a document, and the "Run QPilot" button will become available to initiate the AI process:
For users wanting to learn more about creating AI-Powered Templates, click here.
For Admins and Designers looking to create AI-Powered Templates, click here.
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