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Available with the following QorusDocs Editions: Enterprise
Review how nested Smart Fields in a document template will function when actioned in QorusDocs, and about the maximum hierarchy of 3-levels for QorusDocs to properly scan Smart Fields.
If you see the error below, it means we have detected a nested hierarchy of files more than three levels deep from your template document. Qorus will scan and surface Smart Fields in your Static or Dynamic content up to three levels deep.
For example, If I am working on a 'Sale pitch for Microsoft,' I use a Dynamic content field to bring in what 'Services we offer' (level 2 document). In the 'Services we offer' document, I have a Dynamic content field with 'Bios' (level 3 document). If I included another Dynamic content field in the 'Bios,' let's say 'Address' (level 4 document), the 'Address' file would not be scanned for any Smart Fields. In this example, 'Address' Dynamic content will be added and seen in my 'Sale pitch for Microsoft' document; however, any Smart Fields used in the 'Address' document will be left blank.
Qorus will only search three levels deep and fill in the Smart fields for documents three levels. If you are using Smart fields in the document that are nested four levels deep or more, you will need to fill those out manually.
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